Quantum Touch is a method of natural healing that works with the universal life force energy of the body. Life Force Energy is also known as the "Chi" energy, in Chinese and "Prana" in Sanskrit, this flow of energy supports and sustains all living beings. It is when our bodies' become unbalanced that the life force energy becomes unbalanced and we begin to feel the negative effect. The symptoms of this unbalance on the body are different in everyone and at different times in your life therefore each Quantum Touch Therapy Session has a different effect on each individual person.

Quantum Touch will support and promote your bodies' natural health and general well-being.

What to expect in a Quantum Touch Therapy Session. During a Quantum Touch Session the therapist applies a very light touch, and in some cases there is no contact at all along with a series of breathing techniques. The energy can accelerate the body's own healing response. Like Reiki, it supports the bodies' own natural ability to heal itself. A client will remain fully clothed and can sit, stand or lie down on the couch. A client is fully awake and aware through the session which usually last approximately one hour.

During a Quantum Touch Session the therapist applies a very light touch, and in some cases there is no contact at all along with a series of breathing techniques. The energy can accelerate the body's own healing response. Like Reiki, it supports the bodies' own natural ability to heal itself.

As with all Holistic and Complementary Therapy Session, Quantum Touch is not intended to take the place of conventional medical care or advice. Please consult your doctor if you are concerned about your health.

Copyright © 2015 Heal and Calm